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Feizal Omar

Global Medical Researcher

I am Feizal Omar Barasa. Son to Ismael Barasa and Rose Barasa. I am the last born with 2 amazing

sisters, Fawzia and Feiruz and the uncle, to an amazing angel called Malia. My childhood was one filled

with adventure.

Since a tender age, I was able to witness the inequalities in the world. I studied in a

respectable public primary school, in which we would have the son of a government minister dropped by 2 SUVs while in the same class, there would be a student who had walked 2 kilometers to be able to make it to class. Since then, I knew one of my life’s missions would to bring a difference to the world. My innocent mind wondered to being an army cadet, but I came to realize more wars and more fighting is not the answer to the ills of this world. I developed a keen interest in the world of medicine when I was

around 10 years old. This was fueled by the fact that I lost some relatives back in the village to ailments in which I strongly believed if they got proper medical care, their deaths would have been avoided. I promised myself that I would become that doctor they never had. Throughout high school, I devoted myself to getting good grades so as to secure a spot in medical school. I was also very active in sports; I am actually a really good striker. I would also develop a keen interest in dancing and performing in cultural days in school. I proceeded to the best medical school in the country in which I have consistently posted great grades. I am the current Secretary General of Surgical Skills Forum UoN charter.

I am heavily invested in medical camps to the less fortunate and in charity work. I have the best support systems in my family and my friends who motivate me and help me want to see a better


There is a lot an individual ought to do to bring change to the world; but doing this alone

most often than not is insignificant but once we come together, we can make an actual change. That is all I strive for.

Feizal Omar
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