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A Phone-less World

The rise of care disadvantages in global communities

- Abhiram Potturu

A Snapchat notification here, an Instagram like there, an email from the boss.

Our phones have become integral parts of our lives, and to deprive the modern man of technology is to deprive him his ability to communicate. In the modern world, access to technology and the world wide web is synonymous to being a member of the information age. As such, to be deprived of such technology represents a disconnect to progress. This disconnect is seen strongly in the rural lands of Africa. During a medical mission trip to Kenya, we faced several challenges. A lack of technology and a lack of medicine were the two that stood out the most. In our hospitals, paper is an impractical form of tracking patients, diseases, and medications. However, that was the only method available to us in Siaya County. Our greatest struggle was following all the data without any form of technology, a task that proved both impractical and overwhelming. Tracking this information is a necessity, so it will be easier to understand the predominant diseases in the area. By doing so, the patients can get the best treatment available. Unfortunately, there were not many medications that we could offer either. People came in with all sorts of diseases and problems. How were malaria prevention tablets going to treat people who already had malaria? Over half of the individuals at the health camp had malaria. A couple of tablets were not going to do the trick. They need to be educated on disease prevention, so it does not keep happening. How was a bandage going to help a 10-year-old girl that collided with a motorcycle at top speed (right in front of our faces)? There could have been broken bones. There could be internal bleeding. A lot could go wrong and a bandage, although it does stop further bleeding, won’t prevent the other aforementioned issues.

How was a small dosage of anesthesia going to help a man that was getting his teeth plucked out by a screwdriver?

Essentially, this man had a screwdriver stabbing his gums with extreme force to extract a tooth invaded by a cavity. If this isn’t done properly, it could also damage the surrounding teeth. A lack of technology is the least of their worries; however, a lack of medication and proper treatment are even bigger issues on their own.

Absence of Necessities:

প্রকল্প গ্যালারি



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